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希諾寧滿命的話會在右手追加特效 會這樣追加特效的角色以前印象還有神理綾華 這樣也是對希諾寧很偏心了吧 -- Deserves death! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give that to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safty. Even the wise cannot see all ends. Gandalf to Frodo -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
LOCK8886: 畢竟是Xi諾寧 10/10 20:17
Alopexdiary: 綾人、甘雨、芙芙、僕人、調香師、希格雯、納西妲、 10/10 20:20
Alopexdiary: 海森、夜蘭、溫迪4命、琴、莫娜:? 10/10 20:20
erisiss0: 沒,現在很多角色都會加只是不明顯… 10/10 20:22
qusekii: 隔壁桌好像是包養SD在見面XD 10/10 20:25
erisiss0: 其實連龍王也有 10/10 20:27
erisiss0: 現在只要沒有芙芙那種全身都是特殊特效的都算不上有內 10/10 20:28
erisiss0: 部愛 10/10 20:28
erisiss0: 上面那片還少了芙芙跳出水面會有彩虹 10/10 20:29
lianginptt: 那怎麼Xi格紋就那麼爛? 10/10 20:48
Y949731: aSugarDating = 包養SD? 10/10 20:48
dearjohn: www 10/10 20:48
SecondRun: 一堆人都有吧 10/10 20:55
ilovemiao: 畢竟美洲豹能在山裡靈活ㄚ 10/10 21:15
dpcloud: 那是有特殊普攻的特效,只是通常會丟在6命,0命夜蘭也有 10/10 22:09
YomiIsayama: 現在一堆角色都有特效 琴會有尾風效果 10/12 13:43
T730733: 未看先猜這包養網 10/12 13:43