作者pinson880207 (堅哥)
標題[新聞] GTA5過去3個月銷售500萬份 總銷量1.8億份
時間2023-05-18 22:19:13
GTA 在過去3個月中銷售了500萬份,總銷量躍升至1.8億份
GTA Sells 5M Copies In Past 3 Months, Jump To 180 Million In Total Sales
說實話,你買過幾次「GTA 5」?
Rockstar Games的母公司 Take-Two Interactive透露,「GTA 5」已經售出超過1.8億套
這一消息來自於 Take-Two的最新收益報告,該報告稱「GTA 5」的零售額已達到10億美元
給初下一步 GTA 的日期,但眾所周知,Rockstar一直在開發另一部作品。去年年底,一
次大規模的洩漏展示了「GTA 6」的早期遊戲畫面和截圖。
除了「GTA 5」達到1.8億套銷量以外,「碧血狂殺」系列也取得了持續得成功。該系列的
作者:Luis Joshua Gutierrez
GTA 5是在2013年9月17日,在PS3和XBox 360平台發布,剛好再4個月就滿10年了。
,我想要趕快玩到GTA 6啊
原文:Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games, has revealed
that GTA 5 has sold over 180 million units. Even more impressive is five mill
ion of these were only sold within the last three months, nearly a decade afte
r the game was first released.
The news comes from Take-Two's latest earnings report, which stated that GTA 5
has reached over one billion dollars in retail sales "faster than any enterta
inment release in history." The report also states that the franchise has sold
over 400 million units and that "active development for the next entry in the
Grand Theft Auto series is well underway." Although no date was given for the
next GTA, it's known that Rockstar has been working on another installment. L
ate last year, a massive leak showed off early gameplay footage and screenshot
s of GTA 6.
In addition to GTA 5 reaching over 180 million units, the Red Dead Redemption
series has also seen continued success. The franchise has sold over 75 million
units worldwide, while Red Dead Redemption 2 has sold over 53 million units a
nd is the second best-selling title in the US based on dollar sales in the las
t five years.
→ vistaking17: foxy是個神秘的軟體,小時候我搞懂了抓演唱會會變成A11/30 19:22
→ vistaking17: 片的定律後去抓標題是蔡琴演唱會片長2小時多的影片,11/30 19:22
→ vistaking17: 幹,還真的是蔡琴演唱會11/30 19:22
→ hedgehogs: 所以樓上後來有把演唱會看完嗎?11/30 19:24
→ vistaking17: 結果我只好看蔡琴演唱會尻啊...11/30 19:29
推 crazypitch: 是誰 在打著手槍 是誰 在撩動前列腺11/30 19:32
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※ 文章網址: https://web-ptt.org.tw/Steam/M.1684419568.A.57E
※ 編輯: pinson880207 ( 英國), 05/18/2023 22:27:02
※ 編輯: pinson880207 ( 英國), 05/18/2023 22:30:12
→ w3160828: 為什麼有人一直買一直買... 05/18 22:44
→ brianuser: 封了多少帳號 05/18 22:55
推 kog48: 我貢獻了3次...xbox360 ps4 pc... 05/18 23:17
推 wacoal: 到底誰還沒買GTA5...我PS3、4、5、STEAM 連EPIC都領過一份 05/18 23:32
推 kaj1983: 2樓那個應該就是銷量高的原因了XD 05/18 23:33
推 Muzaffer: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 05/18 23:33 噓 hahabis: 一代為什麼到現在還不重製在Steam上 05/19 00:57
→ hahabis: RDR 05/19 00:57
推 KHopper: 官方是不是想說再戰10年? 05/19 03:31
→ j1551082: 一片gta都沒買過,我驕傲 05/19 07:32
推 ycjcsie: 我買了都沒玩 05/19 08:59
推 MIJice: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 05/19 08:59 推 godfight: 給每個剛滿十八歲的第一款遊戲 05/19 09:05
推 qaz630210: 我買過ps3、4、5、xbox360、 xsx跟steam總共6版本的gt 05/19 11:22
→ qaz630210: a5 05/19 11:22
→ kog48: 真希望RDR1可以重製+個中文版 想看約翰當主角的故事 05/19 12:19
→ Sofast: 還沒買 05/19 12:48
推 SpyTime: 學生妹被包養多嗎 05/19 12:48 → payneblue: 有夠誇張 大概只有GTA6能超越了 05/19 16:13
推 berryc: 真誇張..是要每個平台都買一次嗎? 收藏癖玩家 05/19 16:42
推 EXGG: 誰還沒買 /誰還在買啦 幹 05/20 01:48
推 mamc95e: R星表示: 躺著都能賺,GTA6慢慢來... 05/20 10:55
→ a85139138: 別再買了啊,是不是不想玩6代了 05/21 22:15
推 Toth: 有錢人為啥都想包養 05/21 22:15 推 hmcedamon: ....別再買五好嗎,讓六出讓六出 05/22 13:33