只是泡溫泉的泳裝而已 所以沒有什麼看頭 -- On the surface, the farmer tills the soils, trading the strength of his arm for a whole land of his own. But the parasites say "NO! What is yours is ours! We are the state, we are God, we demand our share." ─Andrew Ryan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
v21638245: 可愛 11/13 00:00
Oxyuranus: 奶奶 11/13 00:05
shinobunodok: 我阿嬤 11/13 00:07
ianlin1216: 歐洛倫:奶奶妳好香 11/13 00:11
chocobell: 我奶奶 11/13 00:13
sowrey: 有沒有富二代要包養 11/13 00:13
protoss97: 阿嬤教我登大人 11/13 00:58
dreaminon: 奶奶,妳好香 11/13 01:01
HERJORDAN: 好懷念溫泉節作者 11/13 01:16