最近準備要換平台,跟同事聊到硬體配置。 他提到他想等 9950X3D,我說這顆玩遊戲不見得比較強啊, 但他覺得 9950 會有16核心,資源比較多。 我問他「你平常在家裡跑什麼應用這麼吃運算資源啊?」 他回答「也沒跑什麼,但遊戲對我來說沒那麼重要,重要的是跑分要壓人一頭」 我笑了,問他「所以你是平常會去哪篇po你的跑分資料的人嗎?」 他也笑了,突然想到「你知道3DMark有Steam成就嗎?」 我現在才知道原來Steam上面3DMark是個真正的跑分遊戲 https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/ 還有29項成就讓你解! https://steamcommunity.com/stats/3DMark/achievements https://i.imgur.com/4PcUMnB.jpg
(那些幾%是達成率) 80.9% Future Proof Windows 10? Check. DirectX 12? Check. Time Spy? Check. Congratulations. You're ready! 79.3% Hydra Submit a score from a system with 12 or more logical CPU cores. 55.4% It's Over 9000, Again! Time Spy over 9000? There's (still) no way that could be right. 37.4% It’s over 9000!!! Fire Strike over 9000? There's no way that could be right. 35.4% Good Achieve a good score for your hardware. 30.9% Free PC Upgrade Submit a score that is at least 10% higher than your last score. 27.2% Night Owl Run a benchmark between 00:00 and 06:00. 25.4% No Worries Pass a DirectX 12 stress test. 24.9% Red Hot Can you handle Fire Strike Extreme? 20.6% Rock Solid Score 99% or more in the Time Spy Stress Test. 20.4% 4K Forever Run Time Spy Extreme or Fire Strike Ultra. 20.0% Great Achieve a great score for your hardware. 15.7% What's the Rush? If your Time Spy frame rate is less than 5 FPS, just relax and enjoy the details. 12.6% Excellent Achieve an excellent score for your hardware. 12.4% Customize It Run a DirectX 12 benchmark with custom settings. 10.8% Lightspeed Run Port Royal with an average frame rate greater than 40 FPS. 9.9% Cool under pressure Keep the GPU temperature below 55 °C during a DirectX 12 benchmark run. 8.8% No Sweat Keep the GPU temperature under 65 °C for the duration of a DirectX 12 stress test. 8.0% Legendary Achieve a legendary score for your hardware. 6.8% Mystery Machine Submit a result using new hardware that isn't recognised by 3DMark. 3.5% Catchy Tune Deliver a result of Steel Nomad with audio. 3.2% Integration Nation Run a DirectX 12 graphics benchmark using integrated graphics. 2.5% Keep a Cool Head Keep the CPU temperature below 55 °C during a CPU Profile benchmark run. 1.3% Future Proof II Run all four DirectX 12 Ultimate feature tests. 0.9% New Year's Resolution Run Time Spy Extreme on January 1. 0.9% Interactive Spend five minutes in interactive mode in a feature test. 0.6% Shoot for the Moon Achieve a great score or better for your hardware during Lunar New Year. 0.6% Sun and Moon Run Steel Nomad during the day (06:00 - 18:00), and Steel Nomad Light during the night (18:00 - 06:00). 0.1% Steel Explorer Use Explorer Mode to discover all secret areas in the world of Steel Nomad with all its hidden treasures. 板上也有跑分玩家嗎? -- 今天的天空好像特別美 https://i.imgur.com/ZsB6Y1Q.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(web-ptt.org.tw), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://web-ptt.org.tw/C_Chat/M.1731426778.A.AB0
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wanjack: 他還有DLC是啥鬼 11/12 23:58
jqs8ah5ar: 金錢換成就,省時省力 11/13 00:03
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ikachann: 前幾天換5700X3D跑了幾次 解了好幾個成就XD 11/13 00:36